Thursday, August 27, 2015


weight & height
mostly in 9 month clothes-- can still fit in a few 6 month
size 3 diapers
drink 4 oz bottle before bed, sleep almost through the night
wake up 5-6 am give bottle and go back down until 8
wake up and daddy gets out of crib before he goes to work
play for a few minutes then breakfast 8:30-9am
play until ten
nap 10-1030
sleep hour or two
play, LUNCH, then sometimes go to the gym or go run errand
afternoon nap around 3ish
play until dinner and daddy gets home
dinner, bath, bedtime routine and bed by about 7:30-8pm
we aren't super strict in sticking to exact times; more just following the same routine each day

Bedtime routine-- bath, jammies, play in bedroom/read books with daddy
sing a primary song, read a scripture mastery verse, prayers, hugs, then lay in crib with 4 oz bottle

big accomplishment this past month: moved into the nursery!  did this about 3 weeks ago.
He did great transitioning-- i think it was harder on me.  But i have to admit, I think all of us have been sleeping better because of it.

For birthday got brayden a crib- so he can move out of the co-sleeper.

last week started crawling on all 4's.  he will do a few steps then go back to army crawling on tummy.
Pulls up to standing on everything. Loves standing on the railing on stairs and gets so excited when we go up and down the stairs and talk to him.  Pulls to standing in the bathtub.  Has learned how to pull to standing in the bathtub, then reach out and flush the toliet.
HATES gettig his diaper changed.  He is a rolly-polly.  Even getting him dressed is an entire wrestling match.
Still just has two teeth on bottom, but is cutting all 4 on top.  He is an adorable little goof, he gets so excited and squeals when he is happy.  LOVES his sister.
Loves feeding himself.  He still likes to shove lots of food in his mouth and gets ahead of himself and forgets to swallow it all.


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