Thursday, August 27, 2015

11 Months

I cannot believe the babies are almost one YEAR.  I don't want to believe it.  I heard a little saying the other day which is exactly how I feel: "the days are long but the weeks fly by"  SO TRUE!

still fits in some 6 month, but mostly into 9 month clothes
size 3 diapers
on Labor day figured out how to climb up stairs
climbing up and pulling self to standing
bear crawls on hands and feet
indepent little tyke and michievous.  She crawls over/through things.  Loves crawling under the kitchen chairs and table.  Its a jungle gym.
Explorer- loves crawling into new rooms.
loves the night light in our room.  unplugs it everyday
eats everything
loves bath and tries to stand up in it
8 teeth with another coming in on top
Sydney always wants whatever Brayden has.
Brayden is pretty easy going and generally he just moves onto another toy.

mostly in 6 month clothes.  still fits in 3 month shorts,
size 2 diapers
two bottom teeth  but starting to cut the top ones
Brayden loves watching his sister and follows her around the house.  They are a little adventurous duo.
first food he didn't like-- mangos
Still momma's boy and i absolutely love it.  Altho, we are working on getting him to fall asleep on his own and move him into the nursery with Sydney.
Follows Sydney around and does what she does.
He loves to open and close doors and drawers. A few times he has closed a door behind me, and then gotten stuck because he will still there and I can't open the door to get to him.
Loves his bath.
When he gets excited he bounces and bobs his head.
He can climb up stairs-- today he made it up 6 in a row.
Still army crawls,  Im not sure if he will do a real crawl or if he will just move onto walking.

Daily routine:

Both kids wake up between 7:30-8:30
When Sydney wakes up Chris gets her, changes her diaper and brings her into our room.  Both kids play together in the bassinet for a few minutes then we go into the living room/kitchen for breakfast.

After breakfast we play until 10:30 then I give Sydney a bottle and breastfeed Brayden and they take a nap for about an hour.
We play, eat lunch, and play some more.  This past month we were hit really hard for two weeks being sick so we gout out of our routine a little.  Sometimes Chris comes home for lunch.  After that I try to go to the gym to lift weights and do some quick cardio.
Then its second nap around 2:30-3ish.  Kind of depends on how long their morning nap was.  Take 1 1/2-2 hour afternoon nap.

Wake up and play until dad gets home.

Dinner around 6-6:30
Then bath, jammies, sing a song, read a book, read a scripture mastery, prayer, bottle/breastfeed then bed.

Sydney falls asleep in her crib on her own, but Brayden some nights doesn't go down right away.  He'll play for another hour and then go down after that.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Brayden! 

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