Thursday, August 27, 2015

7 Months

7 Months!

Sydney Elizabeth

weight-  don't know for sure because this is the first month they haven't been weighed at the Dr.

Moved up to size 3 diaper, 3 month clothes.  Has found her voice-- this girl is active!  Her hair is getting long and fuzzy- she almost needs to wear a headband to cover up the craziness!  She can sit up
LOVES to eat-- bananas, apples, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, wasn't too crazy about zuchini but still ate a lot.
Has moved to the crib in the nursery and sleeps pretty good at night.  Daily schedule-- wake up around 7 and has a bottle.  Takes about an hour to two hour nap from 9 to 10.  Plays and eats food for breakfast.  Then takes another afternoon nap and sometimes a cat nap again in late afternoon.  We try to feed the kids food while we eat dinner around 6:30 then bath and bed time.  She is only waking up around midnight and 4 am for bottles.  Love being thrown and held.
 Sydney is her daddy's little sweetheart.  Chris gets up in the middle of the night to feed her bottles.  I don't even really notice now.  He has taken that over and daddy is her favorite!  (he has  been for a long time)
Took swimming for tte first time last week and liked it. She loves to jump and the johnny-jumper.  She has crazy blow-outs, big poops everyday.  She can sit up really well- for a few seconds by herself.  She likes to throw blankets or burp cloths over her head and play with it.  She can be very vocal-- she likes to yell.  At the resturant with Christian she was loud.  She fights going to sleep.  Usually has to have a bottle or be bounced to fall asleep.  
Girl does sit-ups all day long.  She lifts her head up and holds it for 10-15 seconds, then slams her head back down onto the ground.  We have to make sure she is one a soft surface.

Brayden Christopher

size 3 clothes and size 1 diapers.
Took swimming and he LOVED it.  Squealed and giggled the whole time.  He splashed and kicked his legs constantly.
Still our little snuggle bug.  Getting into eating food.  A lot less spitting up!  He went through a teething phases for a few weeks and would only sleep in the swing or in our arms.  We have been able to get him to sleep propped up on the boppy- but still not flat.  MOmmy's boy.
Likes playing with his toes and is very active and wiggly.  He likes to look upside down.  He is very smiley and social.  He prefers being held.  He can pass toys between his hands.  He likes grabbing things with both hands and putting it in his mouth.  He is sitting up better-still assisted.  He likes food- especially likes bananas and applesauce.

This past month the babies stayed in their first hotel.  We spent three nights at the St. Regis in Deer Valley for Chris' work.

We also had the babies first Easter

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