Thursday, August 27, 2015

8 Months

8 months!

Sydney and Brayden keep getting more and more fun!!

They have both started sleeping on their tummies.  They roll around a lot to get comfortable.  We put them down to sleep on their backs, but almost immediately roll over onto side and tummy.

Bedtime routine consists of eating solid foods—usually veggies mixed with brown rice or oatmeal.  Then bath, jammies, bottle/breastfeed then bed.
Chris gives Sydney a  bottle.  She is now sleeping in the crib in the nursery.  I breastfeed Brayden and put him down in the bassinet next to our bed.  It has evolved to where Chris gets up in the middle of the night with Sydney and I just get up with Brayden.  Chris doesn’t wake up to Brayden’s cry and I usually don’t wake up to Sydney’s.  (Altho Chris is getting the better end of the deal—Sydney only wakes up once or twice while Brayden is still waking up 2-4 times a night)
Sydney began sitting up two weeks ago.  She still does her crazy crunches and throws her head back onto the floor.  Brayden is a champ at rolling all over the floor.  They both smile and giggle so much!  Brayden has started squealing when he is excited.  It is so funny—he squeals like a teenage girl! 
Sydney’s two bottom teeth came through a week and a half ago.  She wasn’t fussy or anything, just one day both teeth popped out. 
Last week we started going to The Nest at the gym so I can work out during the day.  For the past few months I have been going at night after putting the kids to bed.  I usually would go around 9pm- but its so much nicer going during the day.  They both seem to like it—and we have been going for lots of walks in the stroller and they love that!
So far, both babies will go to just about anybody to hold them. 

Sydney—don’t know weight but she is transitioning into 6 month clothes.  Wears Pampers size 3 diapers at night.  During the day mostly huggie size 3 (because we have SO many)
Brayden is still in size 3 month—with some that are still too big that he hasn’t grown into yet.  He has been wearing size 1 diapers—but we finally just ran out so now he will wear size 2’s

 Mother's Day

 Playtime with daddy

 the day sydney learned to sit

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