Saturday, February 1, 2014

Highlights from the NICU

The babies first week in the NICU had many ups and downs.

Because Brayden was so small they were the most concerned about him-- but he was on room oxygen (breathing on his own) for the first two days.  Then his tiny body got tired so they gave him a nasal canula.

Sydney developed a pneumothorax (hole in her lung) and needed a chest tube put in place.

Brayden contracted pneumonia and was intubated for a few days.  Due to Chris' work experience in endoscopy and respiratory devices he understood all the medical terminology and was able to explain to me what was going on and all about the medical devices the doctors and nurses were using.  Looking back now, I realize things were more scary than I perceived at the time.  I had a sense of peace and calm the whole time, knowing things would work out.  

Both babies had PICC's placed and both went bad within 24 hours.  

Brayden and Sydney both went under the phototherapy lights for a few days and enjoyed their tanning light!

After the bumpy first week, it was pretty smooth-sailing for the next 4 1/2 weeks.  They became what the NICU staff refers to as feeders and growers.  They just needed to gain weight and learn how to eat before they could come home. 

I was able to hold both babies and do kangaroo care once a day (except for while Brayden was intubated and Sydney had her chest tube). 

 Chris was FINALLY able to hold Sydney on Oct 18th when she was 11 days old.  

We were told over and over how awful being a NICU parent was.  But, I have to admit, it was a blessing in many ways and turned out to be a sacred time.  I was able to recover almost completely from the c-section before they came home.  We were able to finish the nursery and get things in order.

Strange as it may sound, I enjoyed the majority of the time they were in the hospital.  We loved their nurses.  The babies were taken great care of.    

The babies had several visitors while they were in the hospital.  Here Nana Tana and my Grandma Barbara are "scrubbing in" to be able to go into the NICU.

Our good friend Melissa Gardner came to meet the babies

Chris finally getting to enjoy some kangaroo care with Sydney

Brayden was SO tiny!!

Brayden's first faux-hawk

Celebrated their first Halloween.  I found some tiny costumes for them to wear :)  Brayden was a monkey and Sydney a ballerina in a tutu

It took many weeks of practice- but the babies eventually learned how to drink milk from a bottle 

After the babies moved out of their isolettes they finally were able to get their first bath.
In the NICU they do swaddle baths to ensure the babies temperature doesn't drop

First time being able to snuggle together after being separated for almost 6 weeks

Saturday, November 16th 
The babies came home after 41 days in the hospital

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